Welcome to join ... to meet yourself, your true SELF... on the mat we release tensions and toxins, so from the inside out we become mentally and physically stronger and more flexible like a tree... well rooted and so without resistance capable to stay although there is a throng wind bij jezelf zijnde ben je weerbaar om zelfs in het oog van de storm te blijven waarnemen wat er plaatsvindt rondom zonder te reageren maar door wel te ageren vanuit hartswaarden : love, compassion, understanding, friendliness ...
on the mat we exercise ourself through meditation, breath, asanas and intention: to live a life off the mat more mindfull, conscious, dedicated and in real connection to others www.nazali.be @nazali-praktijk #nazaliyoga #meditation #bewustzijn #consiousness #offthematintotheworld #ademhaling #therapy #kinesitherapie #stillnessspeaks
